Translator |
NEW! 'Av a go wi' de new lethal Paddy Translator.
Wi' thousands av slang words an' expressions from Iron
(Ireland), we are sure thon ye will enjoy writin' gas
paddy emails til all yer friends! This is de translator
thon ye 'av all been askin' for - finally we 'av given
in! (Ireland) |

Rhyming Slang Translator |
NEW! Try aht the
bleedin' bran' new Chitty Chitty Bang Bang translator!
Hairy Biscuits and Cheese type a phrase into the Charles
Fox in 'ere, and learn 'a ter Rabbit and Pork like a
true Londoner! (London) |

G Translator |
out da Ali G translator! Just type in wot ya want to say,
an' da whoohoo.co.uk translator will convert hit into
Ali G speek! |
Translator |
Awright and welcome ter de sea-pie translator! Click
e' ter rabbit like those people from Tay Town! Dis is
one o' de largest databases ever compiled o' de dialect!
(Liverpool) |
Translator |
Translator |
Try yeut the Geordie Translator! Enter ye phrase into
the box and watch as the clivvor thing translates the
English into Geordie-speak! (Newcastle) |
Scotland is nae missed oot wi' this stoat addition tae
the whoohoo.co.uk site! |
Translator |
Translator |
Well I say - if you want to speak just like royalty,
then this is the place for you! This is the propah weay
to speak you knoh (English). |
Welcum ter the Brummie Translator! This bostin translator
woe fettlingly convert yer phrase into Brummie talk! Go
on - gie it a goo! (Birmingham) |
Words to the Databases |
of the Day |
Add your own words to any of the dialect databases.
It is through your additions that the translators improve
in quality. |
Finally - the Joke of the Day! This is updated every
day and is not to be missed! Some of the jokes may be
of a slightly adult nature at times. |
